Pirate Run-Walk for Arrrtism 2012 – September 8th

Q. What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?


Q. What’s a pirate’s second favorite letter?

A. Ceeeeeeee

Ahoy! Thar be plenty more bilge fer ye to lay yer deadlights upon, arrrr!

So go smartly now t’yer calendar ‘n marketh down the date, or ‘twil be no quarter for ye, ye scurvy dog!

Date :


Time :

Registration : 9:00 AM

Run/walk starts : 9:30 AM

Pirate Party : 10:00 AM – 3:00 pm

Cost :

Adults : $20 (includes entry to Pirate Party)
Children : $10 (includes entry to Pirate Party)

Reservations :

Details :

Blimey! Ye not be understandin’ me talk, bucko? Arrgh! Then ye best be steerin’ yer jollyboat t’the pages below. Yo ho ho!



September 19th be Talk Like a Pirate Day – Arrrgh!

About Dan Yedinak

Dan Yedinak is an Information Technology consultant, volunteer Web Administrator for the Autism Research and Resources of Oregon, and an Autism Advocate.
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