Date :
April 7th, 2012 (Saturday) Date To Be Announced
Time :
1:00 PM t0 3:00 PM
Location :
ARROAutism Westside Family and Community Center
Cost :
$10 Suggested Donation
Speakers :
Dan Quiggins is a clinical psychologist who has specialized in child and family therapy with children with mild Autism and Asperger Syndrome (AS) for the past 12 years in his private practice. He’s also done many evaluations with these children and advocated for their educational needs in the school setting. He’ll present a new, more comprehensive way to look at Autism and AS that would have far-reaching consequences for the kinds of services children and families would receive from medical and mental health providers, schools, and insurance companies. More importantly, he would show a way for families to advocate for themselves and their children to improve functioning and long-term independence for everyone.
Presenting a way for families to advocate for themselves and their children to improve functioning and long-term independence for everyone.